

No matter how carefully projects and TurnArounds are planned, it remains a continuous challenge to ensure that the scope is delivered on time, within budget and in accordance with all preconditions.

A large number of unforeseen deviations can hamper success. Our experience shows that the most common pitfalls are:

  • Insufficient involvement of end users and key stakeholders
  • Unclear objectives and requirements
  • Changing requirements, scope changes, wrong priorities
  • Insufficient support from senior management
  • Poor management of people, resources and methods
  • Insufficient use of available knowledge and expertise

Hamburg Consulting has developed audit and verification methods that ensure that the purpose of the project or TurnAround is not lost sight of and, if necessary, adjusted in time. In existing TurnAround and project organizations, our independent specialists can provide insight into the status of the process. We identify underexposed issues that pose a risk, provide targeted solutions, and seize opportunities to achieve the maximum project result. This applies to both scope content, organization and support functions.

Our audits and verification methodologies cover all phases of a Project or TurnAround from initiation to closure including an ex-post evaluation.